1. Sign up! HOOT! offers three unique shows per month at different venues in Berkeley. Use the submission forms on the homepage under the respective show. You may perform solo, duo, or combo. 2. Cover songs only.* 3. One song (approx. 5 mins) per act. In addition to your own featured performance, you may provide, on invitation, UNLIMITED SUPPORT to other players, every HOOT!, every month! Join the HOOT! FAMILY POOL! 4. Be ready to perform. Stage enablers will assist your setup. Be in tune. Keep intros short. 5. Amplification. HOOT! is generally acoustic. We currently offer two microphones (one for vocals; one for vocal and/or guitar), and a single-input amp. Please don't bring additional amps. Preamp is always unplugged. 6. Keys. Unless noted, pianos are available at all venues. 7. No "sing & scram". Every performer deserves an audience, and HOOT! is designed to be a group effort. 8. KNOW YOUR SONG! HOOT! is a supportive and forgiving community, but it's taxing for the audience if you take the stage unprepared. Try not to depend on lyric sheets, and REHEARSE, REHEARSE, REHEARSE. You don't need to be perfect but you need to be READY. 9. The Drop. $10-$20 (or what have you) in the hat for all attendees, performing and non. *Original songs are permitted at Preamp, but you must credit them to PAUL ANKA. |