Space is limited, but we'll do all we can to get you in the show. (When we again have shows).
HOOT! Camp YOUR WAY: How to Interpret a Song A Panel Discussion with Joe Christiano, Amy Kessler, Lorna Kollmeyer, Dave Tilton, Carole Zingeser & YOU Sunday, February 23rd, 2p-3:30p Bauman College 1007 University Avenue (between 9th & 10th) Berkeley
Tune in to a panel of HOOT!s resident song interpreters for insights on how to make your version of a song as compelling as the version that moved you to sing it. Not everyone can put across Total Eclipse of the Heart with the original's epic histrionics, but there's a way in which to make any song completely, uniquely, and definitively yours, Bright Eyes. The HOOT! gang is here to help you do it!